Tuesday, October 2, 2012


If I had my way I'd never say goodbye. It's such a sweet sounding word though, isn't it? It would rhyme with lullaby, but sounds like a raspy croak instead when I say it.

Goodbye is, actually, just the beginning of life without you. It's the cork that pops and then your heart pours out. No amount of glasses could ever be enough to contain this overflowing loss I feel over you.

Goodbye ain't farewell, c'est faire mal. The plight of us and the loss of mine.

How can I say bye without your face flashing in my mind, without breaking through the sutures of this convalescent heart?

Goodbye is short for "God be with ye", may He help ye forget that ye once loved me, for I certainly can't. 

Damn I miss being with ye... dimbye my love, dimbye.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You say goodbye, and I say hello...


Hello? Is it me your looking for? I can see it in your eyes...I can see it in your smile...

Sorry, but I deal with serious situations by telling jokes. And even though this situation isn't about me, I still just tell jokes. Hope this doesn't make anyone mad.