Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Rasp and hammer of sturdy complexion,
Strike and split, carve and chisel.
Pumice and sand work hand in hand,
Giving birth to Hugo
A pristine star.
A splendid marble sculpture,
On its granite pedestal.
Reflecting white light in striking rays,
Like a divine halo.
Gawking eyes and open mouths
Are Hugo's favorite sight.
The visitors, in turn,
Perceive a godly art.
Hugo stands frozen in laughter,
Arms raised to his shoulders,
Palms up, almost pleading.
His naked chest is smooth and strong,
Yet it heaves not.
The fine arts museum is closed for the night.
Hugo stands quiescent,
In mute cold and fright.
He threatens to move,
And disrupt the silence
With his furious laughter.
But remains still,
The XIV century clock goes
Tic, Tac

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